Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hunger Games Trilogy Review

This series of books have got to be (by far) the most entertaining AND DIFFERENT books I've ever read. They are literally page turners! They should come with a warning: Will no be able to put down to work, sleep, eat, or participate in daily activities (lol). I'm not going to spoil it for those of you who haven't read them yet, but I will say they are well worth the read. The book is about a girl named Katniss and her family & friends, and their adventure into the hunger games. It's a VERY different kind of book than what I've ever read. I truly think the writer *Suzanne Collins* is amazing for coming up with this story. When you think about these crazy amazing books you wonder how could someone be so brilliant, how could their mind imagine such amazing things, apparently it comes natural to her. 20 out of 10 stars for these books. I LOVED THEM!!!

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